Directions: Get a peice of paper and a pen and number it 1-20. Write down your answers and see how you do. Click on Quiz Anwser tab to correct your quiz.

1.) What are the Three Witches really called
A. The Smart Sisters    B. The Three Witches  C. The Wierd Sisters      D. The Hot Sisters
2.) What is Macbeth's orginal tilte?
3.) What is the Prophecy given to Macbeth?
4.) Who did the killing of Duncan?
5.) Who is blamed for Duncan's murder?
6.) Where does Malcom flee to after the murder of his father?
7.) Who kills Banquo?
8.) Who escaped during the murder of Banquo?
9.) What is Birnam Wood?
10.) What is the first Apparation Macbeth receives?
11.) The second Apparation?
12.) The third Apparation?
13.) Where does Lady Macduff try to flee to when her family is threatned?
14.) Who sent men to kill Macduff's family?
15.) Who tests and convinces Malcom to attack Macbeth?
16.) Who is caught sleep walking in Act 5, Scene 1?
A. Lady Macbeth   B. Malcom     C. Macduff          D. Macbeth
17.) Who orders the soliders to conceal themselves with ttre branches before the fight
18.) Does Lady Macbeth die?
19.) What character is not born by a women?
20.) Who dies during the fight between Macbeth and Macduff?